
Isn't it weird how our perception of time is kind of warped? We don't realize how fast time is passing by until we look behind us. When we were turning decades on new years eve in 2019 I remember talking to one of my friends about how different the current decade will be from the last one. If you were born in the very late 90s or early 2000s, this is the decade we are 'supposed' to be spreading our wings, leaving our parent's homes, getting married, getting jobs and other 'adulty' things. To me that is scary, I feel like the transition has been too quick. They say life comes at you fast but I didn't expect it to be this fast. I feel like I'm getting older but not growing, I don't know if that makes sense. It's like I am a 15-year old 20-year old, the same me that didn't understand anything in high-school is the same me that STILL does not understand anything in University (I wish I was joking). It's insane how fast life is blowing past me. From my perspective it is as if a teenage me is navigating the adult world (and making an absolute mess of it). I wonder how many other young people are feeling like this. Confused, stressed and pressured by what our parents normally refer to as 'the good old days'. Some of my friends have their lives a little, or a lot,  more organized than I do and for that I commend and admire them. Seeing young adults like me bossing their lives is inspirational. I mean sure it supplements the pressure I feel to get it together and sometimes makes me spiral into brief fits of panic but... pressure (in the right amounts) is good because if you're pushing yourself internally to change it means you are not satisfied with who you are, and that is the first of many steps in becoming a better version of YOU. Change is good  because nobody should remain the same forever. The hardest part about making changes is transition. Remember how as a child we were barely self-conscious and when we started becoming adolescents we had some sort of 'personal awakening' (and the world started spiraling into crap). We started developing stronger personalities and preferences. That was an example of transition and how difficult it sometimes is. That is what is happening to most of us now. We are learning to navigate an adult world and some of us are learning faster than others, some of us have more help than others, some of us are adapting quickly and some of us are basically just getting started. We are transitioning, we might not see the beauty of  it now but I would like to think that someday in the future we will. My advice is, we should make these transitions individually. There should be less focus on what is going on around us and more on what is going on within us. Remember it is YOUR life so you should be at the center of it. It will be a tough storm an we are all on different boats heading towards a common destination. Some boats are undoubtedly better than others but if you focus on making your boat better, improving and patching so you don't sink, we will all make it.

Thank you for reading, big shoutout to Neema. She suggested todays article so if you see her in the comments give her lots of love.


  1. 1st comment 😄😂
    Such an introspective piece Timo👏🏽 I especially agree on taking our transitions individually
    I however beg to differ on the note about "better boats" bc I feel like just as our journeys are individual, so should be our timings and paces. We have different destinations so our journeys have to be different and take
    different techniques, different time frames. We can say some boats are faster, but each journey should occur at it's own pace.

    1. Even as you push yourself to your full potential, show him compassion ,be patient and you'll figure out your own pace😉

    2. Hey Shmn, congrats on being the 1st comment😂. What I meant by 'better boats' is that there are some of us whom are in significantly better life situations, with more access to assistance and bigger fall-backs and safety nets. They are a little more equipped, wouldn't you agree?

    3. 😂yeah, now it's clear

  2. Thank you manzz for the shoutout, and as always you've put it beautifully. This transition into adulthood is not a smooth sail for everyone and it's definitely something that needs to be talked about.


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