My first entry

 Hey there, my name's Tim. I just recently turned 20 and life has been hitting me like a train ever since. When I say life I really mean my own thoughts and looming pressures. See when I was in high-school I also had worries like the E's I got in Math or knowing nothing about what was going on in school or losing friends I spent my childhood with, but back then I still found a way to escape either through novels or football or spending hours stargazing with my buddies. I thought that the high-school 'system' was the only reason I was stressed and sad, that afterwards everything was going to be alright but I was so wrong. In fact I was so much more happier back then. After my national exams I had a lot of time to myself and I started to realize that maybe I was wrong in my perception. I see now that everybody or at least most people are driven by a sense of purpose and that everybody feels like there is a very specific niche that they should occupy in the world, in their life and in that of others. Hence the endless pressure, we see that there is no contentment unless we find our 'reason' for existence, and for some of  us it is believed that true consistent happiness comes from the accomplishment of this purpose. If you have not yet noticed these are my personal thoughts and yes, I am unhappy and currently looking for my space in this world. So here I am writing into a machine on a blog that I have hurriedly made this Monday morning fueled by caffeine and some nice tangerines I just ate. I am looking for something I enjoy doing and something constructive I can devote time and interest to. I enjoy expression and I feel like I understand my thoughts better when I put them down and with this I can see how people feel about what goes on inside my head and you guys can help me see new sides and hopefully I can also enlighten you so feel free to give feedback. I will be signing off now. Have a brilliant remainder of your day.


  1. Starting to think we share a brain 😂

    1. Thank you for your comment Franklyne! You would be surprised at how many of us are under the same cloud

  2. So proud of you manz for putting this out there. This is a big step, we love and support you. Always❤

    1. Thank you so much Neema! I really appreciate the support, and I hope that others relate to my thoughts and this becomes a space where we all can feel a little bit understood.

  3. This thing about purpose is not easy..and yeah life is often confusing but I'm glad that you have some healthy coping mechanisms🙂

    1. Purpose is a big head scratcher. Even when you find your supposed 'gap you will also spend time learning new things about it. Life is confusing but I tend to find comfort in the fact that nobody really knows what they are doing😂.

  4. Flacko Santana28 July 2022 at 10:10

    bro it's crazy how we all thought that life would be better after high school, but it got more serious and complicated, it's now having to deal with life altering decisions and issues with bigger consequences than that failed exam as you pointed out. I'm personally seeing people doing things just because it's currently a trend instead of doing things they find joy in, which is a recipe for disaster cus what if in five years time you regret that major you picked since it was the trendy thing?I quite like your blog and the shared thought processes, you should keep writing bro, this will end up a significant and fulfilling endeavor in your life if you ask me🫡

    1. And the scary thing is we're barely adults man. Who knows how bad it's going to get. Also, thanks bro. The support means alot❤

    2. I'm also scared by the number of people who just go around following trends bro. Like what are YOU actually interested in.

  5. I've been wondering how I'm gonna express my thoughts too but how pleasant it is finding you expressing exactly what has been nudging me. It's weird how life has changed, how expectation have faded over time. But bro we have to adapt


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