My take on spirituality

 Human are always trying to prove the existence of beings higher than them. Throughout our whole existence we have fought, sometimes even to the death because we differ in our views of higher beings. Almost always there is seemingly concrete evidence to support belief in a deity and even if there is not one may be convicted by the faith of others. One of the most common aspects of a god, or rather the basic definition of one is; being supernatural. Having powers that far exceed common human understanding and ability. Then again we hear and perhaps see people who harness or are chosen to wield some of these beings power and knowledge. Prophets, Shamans, healers and such. These normal humans are able to tap into a realm of existence that we are only able to perceive through faith and imagination. Often in the world of Spirituality and Religion we are told of different planes of existence where different beings exist for example, a spiritual world and a physical one. In some instances these worlds are thought to intertwine and with various outcomes. Spirits may come to the earthly realm to spread havoc or guidance and humans may venture into the spiritual realm, often through meditation or prayer, to seek guidance an or assistance. This in particular sparked interest in me. Humans being able to experience another world and interact with it through a ritual (meditation or prayer). By digging within the deep confines of one's mind, we open a whole new perspective to ourselves. So imagine this, you start talking to a doll you have, and through the power of  imagination it starts giving you answers and you hold conversations with it. It becomes an almost life-like entity and you start perceiving it as one when in truth, it is just a self-allocated physical projection of your mind that you have made so complex it appears to be autonomous or sentient. I am not a very religious man but I do believe in spirituality, not as the existence of other-worldly beings but as the power of the human mind to create and sustain an alternate reality while still manifesting and tying it to a physical one.


  1. Simply put, don't you believe i God or whoever spiritual deity you're supposed to believe in?

    1. I do. But I acknowledge the existence of another realm

  2. Acknowledging the existence of another realm confirms that the human mind has the power to connect with greater power and that it is not the greater power in itself....wdy think?

    1. I agree 100%. The human mind is super natural, I even suspect these greater powers and forces are within us hence our ability to manipulate even the physical forces of our planet


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