
 One thing that we seldom acknowledge is we are forming memories as we go by our daily lives. It is not something that should be at the front of our minds but I feel it should be lingering in our minds in order to help us in our decision making. If you're anything like me then you know almost nothing about your future, it's more or less a blur or a very vague picture that once in a while comes into focus and perspective. But where does the 'opaqueness' (lol) come  from. I feel like some of it is self-imposed, a way of numbing. You see deep in the confines of our minds we know the consequences of living life the way we do, we choose to ignore it because living with worry is exhausting but, I digress. I was talking about how we are forming memories without realizing it. I usually look back on my childhood with a lot of fondness, the reckless abandon, the bliss of ignorance and the skewed view of the world due to our innocence. It is amazing how even the most simple things mean so much to us sentimentally. Something as mediocre as having a meal with a friend and talking may constitute our happiest memories. Happy memories, how often do you reminisce, how often do you sit down and purpose to remember a period, person, smell, sound or event. I it fascinating how we can draw happiness from even memories, take for example how nice it is to sit with friends and talk about the past (especially high-school or childhood friends) it's an elite feeling bonding with people over episodes you have experienced with them. Sometimes I sit down and reminisce to cheer myself up. We all need an escape from the present sometimes, I put on songs from my past (2012-2017 was an elite era of music by the way) and lie down with my eyes closed and soak in my memories for a while some would call it living in the past but who gives a crap as long as it makes YOU happy. I reiterate, live for yourself . Never pass up an opportunity to please yourself (pun intended), just because you're worried about something else. You are young and it is your life so YOU should live very unapologetically and free of compromise. These are the years to make mistakes, fall. break and heal. These are the years to learn lessons for your life-time. God forbid I be 50 or 60 and looking back to my 20s as dull. I want to have stories to tell and be remembered by, and I promise myself I will make my story as entertaining and colorful  as it SHOULD be.

Hello reader, It has been almost 3 weeks since my last update and I won't lie to you, I have been lazy and uninspired. BUT I promise that this is the longest period you will have to go without hearing from my blog. Also IM planning on opening this platform up to more authors so that there's more variety and output. So if you know anyone who does any form of writing be it short-stories, shower thoughts, rants and even poetry feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @onyangoooo and we'll have a chat. Thanks for reading


  1. A good memory can see you through a dark time. Ultimately a human being is just memories.


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