Energy at rest

Potential, potency. Influence at rest. It can do more but it isn't. I grew up kind of smart (I use the word very subjectively), so I was always hearing from others how much of this 'great power within myself' I had. It has always been a little confusing, everybody but me seems to see how much I could achieve. Some days I think they misread me, that they misread my luck for brilliance. Other days I can see myself in their light, I get hope that maybe in a way I am subliminally showing signs. Signs that maybe I couldn't see because of my lack of self-awareness.

Question is. Does this potent energy lie within you until you use it or does it slowly fade away? I cannot grasp a definitive measure of utilization, how do you know you're fully doing what you are capable. On the opposite spectrum, feeling like you are under-achieving is ugly. It's a desperate sight. Knowing you can do but you are not. Feeling a complacency within yourself seep into your personality. Comfort, often portrayed as the enemy yet all our efforts on earth are to find ways to be more comfortable. Almost like a vicious circle. 

I mentioned self awareness. Buddhism is very interesting, I think you should read about it. It is not like other religions, instead of being centered too much on Deities and doctrines, it focusses on the human form. Buddhism emphasizes on self-discovery, something I think is essential in coming to utilization of your abilities. Knowing your strength and where to apply it and your weaknesses and where to work on them. As a young man there is pressure all around me to perform. I'd say it's something everyone living in the 21st century experiences. You are only as important as what you can provide not only to others but to yourself. 

Productivity, the  measure of success. I think to achieve maximum and seamless productivity one has to carry out an assessment on their persona. Do not neglect yourself completely, sacrifice moderately. It is healthy for your mind. Maybe that energy you always feel isn't being used, is just not being channeled properly. You can achieve a robotic efficiency  in what you do if you repeat enough times, but how good do you feel doing it. But even I sound absurd in my own head, who doesn't want a lot of money? But again, imagine if even after the riches you feel just as unfulfilled( we're all a bunch of materialists, fueled by greed and consumerism. Cue '' Mo money more problems")

Money is the driving force of our world. But philosophy believes that it's merely a distraction from self-fulfillment. I don't know about you guys but I'd hate to be rich and still feel like I'm not doing enough (the truth always sounds so corny). WORK ON YOURSELF (alongside the money, I guess)


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