It's art

The definition of art is very subjective, nobody really seems to have a grasp on what it is and where it stems from. Creativity, ever since the dawn of our existence, it has existed as a force within us. A phenomenal occurrence within our minds, a series of neurons that fire and give birth to intermittent waves of brilliance that give us a power only associated with deities. The power to create. 

Bringing something into existence from your mind, do you realize how awesome that is? That with enough work you can materialize something that exists only in your mind. It's power and with it we have subdued our planet and transformed our survival into a successful conquest. ART. To me art is anything we conjure that can elicit emotion. Something you can conceive and create that makes you or someone else perceive an emotion. As I said art is subjective and speaks to us differently, the best part about this is that in a way there is a form of art for everyone.

My cup of tea is literature. Take it as a spectator of the universe. Somebody who watches over the earth from a third person perspective. HUmans found a way to communicate using symbols and canvas. A way in which one can see something written on a piece of paper and be able to understand almost exactly how the person who wrote it felt. Amazing right? I sometimes get so engrossed in books I stop acknowledging my immediate environment. I get sucked into the pages and transported into another world. The way these little squiggles on a piece of paper act as a gateway into their writer's mind. You can see almost exactly what the writer was visualizing as they held that pen to the paper and started writing, building a scenario with no paint or sound, no direct visual illustration Literature is amazing, it's a time machine, a mind reading device, a translator, an advisor and so much more all at once. It speaks to you however you want to hear it. The way it's almost human like yet it's just words. Insane but that's how deep it speaks.

I cannot even fathom what life would be without an artistic side, the break form reality as I call it. A life without music, rendering you unable to find comfort in a relatable artist's lyrics. A life where you cannot look at an abstract photo and visualize life in its streaks and colors. It would be grim, like staring at an empty street through a silent black and white screen. Art exists all around us and our perception is the lenses through which we see it. A much needed break from reality. Our creativity, something we can channel to bring us whatever we want it to. Our superpower. 


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