Ballad of dreams

 We danced last night. A dream transcending into the realms of reality, that's basically my description of it. You looked happy, bouncing your shoulders to the cadence of the music. My heart was warmed by the brightness of your smile. Your joy is contagious, I caught it like the plague. It seemed like everything leading up to the moment was irrelevant, focusing on the present is much easier when you're around. Ethereal, the very embodiment of the word. The very epitome of natural allure. Effortless elegance, seeming exuberant in it's expression yet understated by its keeper. 

We danced last night. I was scared to touch you because I felt like you would evaporate in my hands, back into my dreams. I was afraid to taint and stain your perfection. You're like an expensive gift. Very nice to perceive in any way, but there's a constant worry. A huge amount of value placed on it. Value that makes you scared of loss. Fear that makes you paranoid. Paranoia that makes me treat you like you are fragile even when you show immense strength. Like a diamond, the hardest substance able to cut even iron itself but still handled like it is an egg. 

We danced last night. I almost couldn't look into your eyes. It would get too real, all of it . I cannot allow myself to feel the graveness of the situation. I prefer your meaning be tied to something that is not in my world. A proverbial mermaid on a rock, viewed through a periscope by the sub nautical ugliness of the abyss. I cannot make you swim down here because something will take you in the darkness. There's envy here, the darkness swallows every ounce of light it can. That is why I cannot allow you come here. Your absence reminds me to swim harder.

We danced last night. I felt like I was dreaming. But I woke up to see you still next to me. I did not know what to make of it. Your porcelain skin gleaming in the light of the dawning sun. I sit here uncertain of what to do. If I squeeze to hard you might break, but if my grip is loose you will fall out of my hands and into those of another. I lack the strength to fight for you because violence for your cause is hypocritical. You do not shoot to catch a dove. 


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