
I've been asking myself what definitively encompasses our generation of adults. A stereotype that vaguely or precisely applies to most people in it. In my opinion, no matter how much you strive to be different, you will still fall into a stereotype. No matter how hard you ignore it or tune it out you belong to a bigger group because in one way or another we are wired the same...(things got philosophical way too fast, I'm sorry). But... yes, we are not very different. See I do some reading and no matter how vastly different the characters are, if at all they're portrayed well, I will find a way to resonate with their behaviors or thoughts. Same applies to characters in movies, I see a familiarity in most of them. 

Where was I, yes I was trying to speculate how other generations would see us. I think strong individuality, is our most definitive trait. Everybody is driven to achieve for themselves first and foremost before anyone else. I don't know if you also see a duality in being fueled by solitary ambition. See I understand, you are supposed to romanticize your life and your persona. But to when does it transcend to selfishness, and not in the "to protect myself" way but in the "I'm being too self-centered" way.  See most of us have conquest still within us to this day, it's just expressed differently. You are always trying to interact with things around you in a manner that gives you the most control, direct influence. But again some things are just not meant to be in our control. It's why we have Deities, no matter who you worship, you do so because you believe they have some sort of control over the the things that you cannot influence directly (the weather for example). You believe that there is someone in charge and that we're not just living on a rock spinning at 16000 km/h inside a huge void, vulnerable to anything the elements throw at us . Oh wait, we were talking about gen-z my bad.

So I think what is ,most intimidating about our generation is how far we are willing to go for ourselves. We grew up watching hero stories in cartoons and how uncompromising they were willing to go to help others. Yet here we are, romanticizing the villain and emulating their tendencies. It's the part of us I view ambivalently. It is good and bad to varying degrees I guess. If you think about it there is a fine line between good and evil. A friend of mine always says how morality is a construct within yourself. You can choose to live life along whatever lines you define as an individual. As long as you're okay and prepared to live with the consequences and potential repercussions to your actions, you can rationalize even the sickest desires within yourself, remember how we find familiarity in characters. I keep drifting off topic, we were talking about our generation.

So in conclusion, it is so easy yet so hard to find a stereotype for 'gen-z' help me out in the comments.


  1. Another thing that sometimes works against our generation is that we are very we feel like we know it all


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