I want to break free

If you are not willing to stand for what you believe in you will bow to others...'' or at least that's how I remember the saying going. It's so irksome you know, have you ever had a conversation with a person who's willing to submit to most or all of the opinions you have? An unchallenging, almost one sided conversation. Or another analogical situation, when you're playing football and someone comes, in full kit, boots and everything. Then stands awkwardly on the touch line smiling and doing those weird little warm ups waiting for someone to stop the game and invite them. I mean, this is common courtesy right? But sometimes the game goes on for a long time and they're there on the line just watching on without a word waiting on someone to call them. Why are we so passive? Everyone seems to take a backseat in their own car waiting to be steered. The proverbial particle bouncing around being influenced by external forces. Why is your trajectory only being dictated by what is happening around you and those you identify with? Why do we lack individualism? I have a question for you. When is the last time you sat alone with your thoughts? When is the last time you did not have a phone in your hand or music playing in the background or a show you aren't even watching playing on TV? Your focus is being taken away from you, and the very things sapping it from you are breeding insecurity, false sense of comfort and a ''hyper-real" existence. You are spending more time looking at false impressions of people's lives on the internet than the amount you spend listening to what's going on in your head. You are getting advice from dysfunctional musicians who have nothing in common with your situation right now. It is really a yin and yang situation here but In my opinion the evil far outweighs the good. You lack self control because every time you want a little dopamine you look for it behind a screen and a robotic algorithm feeds it to you. You are consuming and not processing, basic economic knowledge will tell you that there exists a problematic deficit . 

This is your sign to break free from the control your devices have on you. Break the addiction. You do not need to communicate with others to an extent where they influence your actions even without physical presence, don't you see how naive and stupid that is? I sound like a teen mad at "conformity" but it's true. Never have the masses been easier to manipulate than right now. Probably you have gotten your strong personality off the internet. Those strong opinions you have, how many of them are actually yours? How many of those things do you actually care about? It's about time you find your grounding, spread some roots and grow. Tune out the noise. 

We are living under the illusion that the thoughts we have are our own but there's a lot of influencing going on in the socials (elite wordplay). I'm honestly finding it hard to see why we impose these things on ourselves. Are we really that broken? Get introspective NOW! 


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