Divine Reflection

My existence is on a plane characterized by division. Our discernment renders us unable to co-exist. Our narcissism makes it so we feel entitled. Our entitlement breeds jealousy and envy and that in turn breeds hate. We persecute each other to feel protected against that what we do not find comprehensible or similar. We choose to highlight our differences instead of embracing them and obeying laws of synergy. We group against each other, we look for those who share our fear and unite to build walls or attack our foes. We are petrified of change, the process of transitioning into something less accommodating of our flaws seems abhorrent. So instead of staring into the darkness we choose to put our blankets over our heads.

Down here everybody wants to speak the language of the beautiful. Everybody wants to feel understood by that which they perceive as perfect and distance themselves from what they see as scarred. The beautiful disdain us, they see our imperfections as inherently bad. A blemish in the image they see of themselves in the mirror. They want to stare at a divine reflection. An image so flawless it could only be seen as ethereal. They are plagued by the incessant belief that nothing that's crafted by human hands or shares in humanity's overall image is good. Yet they look for its imitation in a divine reflection. 

We do not know our origins, but we assume their absoluteness. That whatever or wherever it is that we come from was ideal and we are supposed to embody it. Yet I ask where do we get our ugliness from then? We were crafted using fire, air and earth by something that is divine in its own image and we aspire to be its reflection. The parts the light illuminates and brings forward. We neglect to see the darkness because we do not understand it, unbeknownst to us that it supplements the logic of illumination. That light only exists in darkness and the versa vice. All our deities are fighting a war against the darkness, all our deities are crafted of a light that blinds us to the darkness that supplements it. Maybe that's why we all want to cover up our imperfections, to be beautiful, to turn into these divine reflections we idealise.


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